Vision and principles


All Plan International UK web content should fit with our vision statement. Our vision is the strategic core of our content strategy. It defines how content helps us achieve our mission. It encompasses what content we produce, for whom and for what reasons.

The Plan International UK website moves us towards a future where every child, especially every girl, is equally free to learn, lead, decide and thrive.

It makes a convincing case for change by painting a bold picture of the world we are helping to create, and by giving an honest account of the current reality.

The website seamlessly blends:

  • Engaging and inspiring stories, which amplify a range of voices, show as well as tell, and expertly combine the human with the big picture.
  • Persuasive, informed, comprehensible data, thinking and opinions that change people’s minds.
  • Timely, relevant, clear information that responds to people’s needs.
  • Useful, practical resources that equip, empower and encourage people to make and be the change.
  • Fundraising asks and opportunities that encourage and inspire people to donate generously and take part in activities.

By doing this, our website equips, converts and persuades existing and potential supporters and partners, and people who want to take action for themselves and others.

It makes these people feel empathy, hope, solidarity and connection, and feel part of a movement. It makes them understand the vital importance of children’s rights and equality for girls, and the need for their support.

Stories and opinions

Stories help our audience relate to and understand the realities of young people’s lives around the world. Immersive stories give people a human way into issues related to equality for girls, as well as solutions and ways they can take action.

Data, thinking and opinions

We generously share our knowledge, as well as our collective insights and demands, to build momentum for the things we want to change.


From the global scale of gender inequality, to the way it shows up in local communities, we give our audiences the facts they need to understand the reality for young people, especially girls, all over the world. We also provide clear instructions and information about actions people can take on our site, such as sponsoring a child or signing up for a fundraising event.


Plan International UK is a youthful champion for change. Our practical content equips our supporters and activists to be effective advocates for our shared vision.

Asks and opportunities

We’re here to build support and make change. We create compelling calls to action, coherent campaign and fundraising asks, and enticing opportunities for our supporters, so they can be part of our global movement.


These are the principles we live by when we’re doing web content. They underpin our web content strategy and operations.

Our content principles:

  • guide us to implement our vision,
  • define how we work on content,
  • shape the substance of what we create, and
  • act as a constitution for decision-making.

1. We are action-driven

Our content is strategic; it actively moves people towards action. That action includes campaigning, fundraising and directly effecting change.

2. We let children – especially girls – take the lead

Girls and young people are at the heart of our content. We can’t achieve equality for girls and young people without centring and empowering them, their stories, views and experiences.

3. We give all people agency

We never write about or for someone if we can give them the opportunity to tell their own story instead. We seek out people with lived experience and put them at the heart of our content.

We don’t speak for or over the people and communities we work with. Instead, we create space, provide a platform and pass the mic so that people tell their own stories.

4. We are actively anti-discriminatory

We recognise people’s inherent right to equality and safety, dignity and respect, whoever and wherever they are. We’re proactive in championing all people’s rights and in championing people and activities that break down boundaries and preconceptions.

5. We are user-led

We see the world from the perspective of our users and our movement: our beneficiaries, our supporters, our wider audience. We put their wants and needs first. We ask and listen to our audience in order to better understand what these are. We test our content with users, adapt it, then test it again.

6. We are evidence-based

We use statistics and facts, blended with human stories, to build compelling narratives and show impacts both large and small.

7. We are inclusive and accessible

Inclusion and accessibility are non-negotiable. They flow through every aspect of our content, from start to finish. We use simple, inclusive language and images, and avoid jargon. We make everything as clear and easy to understand as possible.

8. We are honest

We don’t shy away from the complex and the complicated. We’re optimistic, but many of the issues we work with are intricate and hard-baked; we avoid glib, easy answers. We are open and transparent, and we own up when things go wrong. We don’t sugar-coat.

9. We collaborate

We collaborate across areas of work, experiences and expertise to blend everyone’s strengths, within and beyond our organisation. We involve the right people at the right time, for the right reasons. We ask people to share their technical knowledge, writing skills or content expertise, and we don’t confuse one for the other. Keeping roles disciplined and focused lets us create great content that serves our audience’s needs better.

10. We put quality over quantity

We do things well or we don’t do them at all. We never compromise on our content standards.

11. We are sustainable

We create content that lasts. Whether we’re gathering and editing, or publishing and archiving, we create and manage content so it can be used in different ways at different times. Once we’ve published it, we continue to look after it.

Got a question? Contact the Editorial and Content Team at
